Thursday, 5 November 2015

The Conservatory Learning Centre 
with Camp Hill Village Trust 

Currently underway within the Learning Centre at Scampston Conservatory is a gardening project run with the help of Camphill Village Trust. Camphill is a leading UK charity which supports adults with learning disabilities, mental health problems and other support needs.

Scampston Conservatory volunteers Roly, Jeff and Sandra have been instrumental in the project, as well as the gardening expertise of Nathan, a Scampston Garden volunteer.

Over the past few months, Sandra has designed the layout of the garden in the Conservatory Learning Centre, and Jeff has led on the construction of two greenhouses, as well as building raised beds and staging for the greenhouses. The raised beds have been used this summer by both local schools and the Camphill Village Trust, and are now brimming with fresh vegetables. 

Working alongside Camphill, the volunteers have been very busy, replanting the raspberries, making wired supports for them and the future fruit plants that are planned. To create more planting space, it was necessary to clear the ground and dig up old shed foundations. These were recycled and used to build the path. The beds and paths have been edged with wood and carefully lined with bark. The beds have been weeded and lots of compost has been put down ready to dig in for next year’s planting.

As time goes on and the project matures, the Learning Centre will reap the rewards of the volunteers and Camphill Village Trust’s hard work this year, which has laid the foundations for future gardening activity. We are now hoping to use this space to grow lots of useful produce, and to invite local schools to come and learn about gardening.

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