Monday, 24 April 2017

Ryedale Residents Return!

Scampston's most successful Community Weekend to-date

It's been a busy weekend: 1500 visitors & a whopping 400 slices of cake! 

This weekend we opened the garden gates once more for another Community Weekend. Word had clearly spread about the event, as local residents arrived in droves all making the most of the offer of free entry.

With glorious sunshine across the whole weekend, especially the Sunday, visitors were able to enjoy the gardens at this early stage in the season. Young children enjoyed exploring the fairy trail and finding our resident fairies. 

Grown ups enjoyed tucking into one of our scones, baked that morning. Some of them did really deserve it, having cycled over 20 miles to Scampston in first place, and facing the same journey home! 

An incredible number of visitors had never been before, so we hope they were pleasantly surprised, and that they will be back later in the season when the garden is in full bloom. Many had recently moved to the area and were thrilled to be able to get an introduction to all we have to offer here at Scampston.

Ryedale, it's been an absolute pleasure! 

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